
The war situation in the east is coming to a head and threatens to involve EU territory. Some are openly talking about the threat of a third world war. Geopolitical and financial interests and possibly the desire to avoid coming to terms with the democratic crisis of the last four years are fueling the warmongering activities. The so-called quality media do not intervene to moderate the situation, on the contrary. Nevertheless, there is no enthusiasm for war among the population. It is time for a diplomatic offensive that unequivocally expresses the people's desire for peace and brings the warring parties to the negotiating table. 

Our first step is the gathering of 1,000 peace activists on Friday, July 7, 2024, at 2 p.m. - 3:30 pm German time in the live-streamed online rally #ivetowar. The participants come from Germany, Russia, Ukraine, France, Austria, etc.

Anyone interested can take part in the online rally at this LINK, please come to the Zoom waiting room at 1:30 pm German time (first come, first served). 

The session will be broadcast live from 2 p.m. German time on the following links

Englisch: https://odysee.com/@ivetowar.com:4/ivetowar.com:c

German: https://odysee.com/@ivetowar.de:7/ivetowar:4


Peace activists and experts will speak at the rally on topics such as
- Why there is no alternative to peace and diplomacy is the means of choice
- How previous wars started (insidiously)
- What the destructive consequences of war are
- How war propaganda works

The online rally will then be sent to Russia, Ukraine, Germany, the USA and NATO

Core demands of #ivetowar are:
- Immediate end to the war, not only in Eastern Europe
- Invitation of the parties Russia, Ukraine, NATO, USA, Germany to diplomatic talks
 Reference to the issue of a referendum at federal level in Germany to put a stop to warmongering

On the website ivetowar.com or ivetowar.de pictures will be published of people from various countries, e.g. with their children, animals, things that mean something to them with the hashtag #ivetowar, to show that we all have better things to do than bash each other's heads in. Please send social media links to embed on our site to social@ivetowar.de. These photos can/should also be used as a tile image as part of the online rally if you don't want to be seen as a person. 

This approach can result in worldwide online peace demonstrations that vividly show politicians that nobody wants war.